I thank our Almighty God for the far he has brought our congregation. Three years, three months down the line since I humbly accepted to be a servant in the office as the 7th Superior General. I have experienced tremendous support from all my sisters. Each one of us has gone a milestone towards community life, prayer, and vowed life and in our apostolate, let us keep up with the good spirit of witnessing Christ.

I continue to appeal to each one of us to keep up with a spirit of servanthood since we are called to serve with humility. My dear sisters, I urge you to contemplate on the following key points to be a better servant:


Make yourself available

My dear sisters let us be soldiers who always stand by to serve their nation( 2 Tim2:4)


Pay attention to other people's needs

Do we care for our sister’s needs? Do we care for the needs of the people we serve? Gal 6:10 reminds us to do good for everyone especially for the family of believers.


Do the best with what you have.

They never make excuses or wait for better circumstances. Ecc.11:4 reminds us that if we wait for perfect conditions we will never get anything done.


Do every task with equal determination

Do we put more effort in our place of apostolate and ignore other duties in our communities? St Paul in Col. 3:23 reminds us to do everything with all our hearts, when we are faithful in our ministries and duties, then these words will be echoed to us too. Matt 25:3 welcome my good and faithful servant, you have been a faithful servant in handling small amounts.

Maintain low profile

Sisters let us make resolutions in the year 2022 that we may serve Jesus our master with humility and holiness just as he served his Father.